The method will help you improve WordPress search and include taxonomies when searching posts and pages on your site.. You can add Ajax taxonomies to WordPress search by using SearchWP. Upon activation, you will need to go to SearchWP » Settings from WordPress admin panel. To add taxonomies to the relevance, you can click 'Add Remove Attributes button.. You can click the Taxonomies dropdown menu and select whether you'd like to include categories, tags, formats, or all of them in WordPress search.. You can also click 'Edit Rule button to determine what content can and cannot show up in the search results.. You can now edit the algorithm for your pages, media files, WooCommerce products, up SearchWP.. You can use WordPress plugin like Search & Filter to add Ajax taxonomies filter to your website. First, you will need to install and activate Search & Filter WordPress plugin. In the screenshot, you can see the in the sidebar where users can use the menu and select category or tag..
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