Often you are asked to add header and footer code WordPress Facebook Pixel, Google Search Console, etc.. Some WordPress themes like Elegant Themes and Genesis Framework by StudioPress offer option for adding code and scripts to your WordPress header and footer.. our team has built Insert Headers and Footers plugin to let users add code to the header and WordPress... Upgrade or Change Your Theme Without any Worry The plugin will save your header and footer code in separate place, so you can update or change your theme without worrying about the code being erased.. We have found the biggest reason why lot of beginners use Insert Headers and Footers plugin is to add Google Analytics to their website. you would want to clear any caching on your site as that is the root of that issue... my header and in not showing in particular page how can i solve it... I used it to add FB Pixel to my site, and now I have landing page and I need Pixel on Thank You page after visitors confirm their details. I am about to update to WordPress 5 and on the download page, it says 'Compatible up to 4.9.9 This makes me wary will it work with 5 and are there plans to update it. Plsss in details how to add more cos i have already inserted, google search console code with the pluggin how am i going to add the adsene code in the same headers section... I need to add Gtag in the heard of my website for Google analytics and I dont want to use plug in... mohamed ballouti says...
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