You do need web hosting, and you will need service that specializes WooCommerce hosting because this is the software that we will be using as our eCommerce platform.. Fortunately, Bluehost officially recommended WordPress and WooCommerce hosting provider has agreed to offer our users domain + SSL and discount on their cloud WordPress hosting.. by default WooCommerce assumes that your website is vendor website, so it's not possible for other users to add their own products and services to your website.. Next, you need to click on 'Commission tab to set commission rate for vendors across your website. Next, switch to 'Products section and from here you can select which type of products vendors can add. Lastly, switch to 'Orders section under 'Capabilities to select what information vendors can see about the orders... You can go to Pages ยป Add New to create new page for each item and add the shortcode displayed in the settings to the page's content area... This allow them to set custom headers for their shop pages, and use HTML in shop description... then create new page WordPress and add the following shortcode in the post editor... Depending on the payment methods you set up, they will need to provide their PayPal or Stripe email address to receive payments.
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